Group pension plan

Nathalie Faure

Head of the Social Protection Department.


A group pension scheme is a system that allows employers to take out insurance to protect their employees against health-related risks, such as illness, disability or death. It is set up to protect employees and their relatives in the event of unforeseen events and to provide them with social security cover additional to that offered by social security.

In general, the collective pension is paid by the employer for all employees of the company. The guarantees offered vary according to the contract but often include coverage in case of work stoppage, invalidity, death, incapacity or dependency. Employees can benefit from these guarantees without having to carry out medical formalities or pay additional contributions.

There are several advantages to collective pension provision for employees. Firstly, it allows them to benefit from social security cover that is complementary to that offered by social security, which can help them cope with the financial consequences of an accident or illness. In addition, it can also contribute to a stronger sense of ownership and motivation of employees.

From the employer’s point of view, there may also be advantages to collective pension provision. Indeed, it can help to strengthen its workers’ social protection, which can improve their wellbeing and productivity. In addition, it can also increase employee satisfaction and loyalty to the company.

In short, collective pension provision is a system that enables employers to take out insurance to protect their employees against health-related risks, such as illness, disability or death. It provides social security coverage complementary to that offered by social security and benefits both employees and the employer.

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