For 70 years, AURYS Group has been supporting its customers with a specific and personalised service offering covering all sectors of activity (automotive, aeronautics, agriculture, construction, industry, B2B and B2C services, tech sectors, etc.).

Our firm is a leading partner who is committed to discovering and deepening the levers that will enable you to initiate and succeed in your restructuring and/or recovery strategy.

Given that the financial partners of companies attach great importance to various aspects, such as accurate perception of the market context, a careful assessment of their portfolio of activities (including market growth, market share, profitability, and value chain migration), as well as a solid target vision for the recast.
To ensure the success of a restructuring plan, an experienced team and methods are required to generate short-term improvements, as well as in-depth expertise and customised solutions to turn the business around. The success of this process depends essentially on the full commitment and mobilisation of experts and company managers to carry out the recovery phase.

In many cases, the root causes of a crisis within a company can be attributed to changes in its environment rather than to an overall decline in the market. But these changes can offer opportunities if they are approached with the right business model. Recent crises have shown us that disruption in an industry favours agile and innovative actors who are able to adapt to new demands. That’s why keeping up with the pace of transformation is critical to keeping the business moving faster than its market and ecosystem.

Our methodological approach:

Act effectively

We help you make decisions. Our teams analyse the situation, and act according to your chosen strategy.

Act quickly

We are facilitating the creation of an emergency atmosphere to eliminate decision-making barriers, reduce the delays and promote rapid implementation of solutions.
Otherwise, continued reorganisation could exhaust the remaining resources essential to the success of the recovery plan.

Create a strict and trusted framework

We guarantee a framework of trust and confidentiality with our customers.

Establishing a global perspective

To ensure the success of your recovery plan, we take a comprehensive approach. It offers you a global vision of finance, operations, strategy, staff restructuring, legal aspects, change management and communication…

Implement back-up policies

We encourage a proactive management approach by developing various scenarios and contingency plans. Avoiding reliance on a single probability and identifying indicators of change can help you deal with unforeseen events.

In general, the major problems that stand in the way of a company’s recovery are:

  • Non-existent or poorly developed internal monitoring coupled with poor timing
  • Decisions not aligned with the development strategy already present in the company
  • Not include all levels of the enterprise in the recovery process
  • Lack of a clear and precise strategy


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