Independent Business Review

We are regularly asked to carry out missions of Independent Business Review (IBR) in the context of financial debt restructuring operations or amicable and collective procedures.

IBR is a critical approach that involves an independent and critical analysis of the company’s operating and cash flow forecasts. This detailed analysis aims to assess the prospective operational performance and the current financial situation, thus allowing an accurate assessment of the financing needs.

In addition to its role in validating financial information, the IBR plays a crucial role in facilitating trading processes. By providing independent and verified foresight, the IBR contributes to building trust and transparency between the parties involved. Promoting constructive discussions and informed decision-making.

Through our rigourous and professional approach, we strive to provide relevant recommendations and analyses that help our clients make informed and strategic decisions in complex and evolving situations. By combining our financial expertise with a deep understanding of operational and business issues, we aim to offer tailor-made solutions that meet the specific needs of each customer and each situation.

The Independent Financial Review is a comprehensive process of independent expert analysis of a company’s financial statements. Its main objective is to assess the quality and accuracy of the financial information presented. It includes the examination of transactions, the verification of supporting documents, the validation of accounting methods used, and the assessment of financial risks.

The benefits of the Independent Financial Review

1. Building stakeholder confidence

The FIS builds confidence among stakeholders, including investors, creditors and regulators. By providing an unbiassed assessment of the financial statements, it attests to the integrity of the data presented, which supports informed decision-making.

2. Detection and prevention of errors and fraud

The Independent Financial Review helps detect errors and potential fraud in a company’s financial statements. Through rigourous procedures, it reduces the risk of tampering and contributes to the establishment of secure data.

3. Compliance with accounting and regulatory standards

The Independent Financial Review ensures compliance with accounting standards and regulations. By conducting a thorough analysis of the accounting policies used, it ensures that the financial statements comply with generally accepted accounting principles and legal requirements.

Independent Financial Review Implementation Process

1. Analysis of specific needs

Before setting up an Independent Financial Review, it is essential to assess the specific needs of the client company. This includes understanding audit objectives, financial stakes, risks and applicable regulations. This step allows the review process to be tailored to specific business requirements.

2. Planning and preparation

Planning and preparation are crucial steps for a successful Financial Independent Review. This involves defining audit procedures, establishing a timetable, collecting the necessary documents, identifying key issues to be examined and training the audit team. Careful planning ensures smooth review execution and optimises resources.

3. Implementation of the review

The execution of the Financial Independent Review involves in-depth analysis of the company’s transactions, accounting processes and internal policies. The audit team conducts audits and analyses to assess compliance with accounting standards, detect potential errors and assess risks. Interviews with key personnel may also be conducted for additional information.

4. Report and recommendations

At the end of the review, the audit team prepares a detailed report that highlights findings, observations, and recommendations. The report provides an unbiassed summary of the company’s financial situation, highlights areas of improvement and proposes corrective measures. The recommendations in the report aim to improve the transparency, reliability and efficiency of financial processes.

5. Follow-up to recommendations

Once the report is delivered to the customer organisation, it is critical to track the progress of the recommendations. The audit and accounting firm can provide continuous monitoring to ensure that corrective actions are implemented appropriately and effectively. This improves the company’s financial practices and improves compliance with accounting and regulatory standards.

BONUS Rating

Our Restructuring team has real expertise in assessing “in bonus” ratings, a key indicator of the financial health of companies. “In bonus” ratings are a measure of financial soundness, indicating that the entity being assessed is able to meet its financial obligations reliably and in a timely manner.

Our expertise allows us to analyse financial indicators and operational performance of companies, in order to determine precisely their positioning in relation to the “in bonis” rating. We use advanced methodologies, integrating rigourous analyses of financial statements, cash flows and key financial ratios, to assess the company’s solvency and long-term viability.

By working with AURYS, you benefit from a highly experienced team, able to provide strategic recommendations to improve your “in bonus” rating and strengthen your competitive position in the financial market. We are committed to helping you achieve and maintain a strong financial status.


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