Statutory Auditor for contributions
The Statutory Auditor for contributions is an auditing mission that consists of verifying the value of contributions in kind or in industry made at the time of the creation or increase of a company’s capital.
When a company decides to increase its share capital, it may receive contributions in kind or in industry, i.e. contributions other than cash. These contributions must be valued at their fair value to determine the amount of the capital increase.
The statutory auditor is responsible for verifying the value of the contributions in kind or in industry to ensure that the valuation is fair and reflects the economic reality of the company. This mission consists in particular in verifying the conformity of the valuations made by the contributors and in assessing the methodology used to determine the value of the contributions.
The auditor must also verify that the contributions are indeed in kind or in industry and that they correspond to the needs of the company. He must ensure that the contributions are properly identified and that the intellectual property rights and the contracts necessary for the exploitation of the contributions have been correctly established.
Statutory Auditor for mergers
The Statutory Auditor for mergers is an auditing mission that consists in verifying the regularity and the sincerity of a merger operation between two or more companies.
A merger is an operation that consists in bringing together two or more companies into a single entity. This operation can be motivated by various factors such as the search for synergies, the consolidation of a market or the rationalization of costs.
During a merger operation, the auditor must ensure that the valuations performed for the merger are fair and reflect the economic reality of the companies involved. He must also verify that the terms of the merger comply with the legal and regulatory provisions in force, in particular with regard to tax, social and environmental matters.
The auditor must also verify that the assets and liabilities of the companies involved have been correctly valued and that the distribution of equity between the different entities created is fair. He must ensure that the information communicated to the company’s stakeholders is complete, transparent and sincere.
In France, the mission of the merger auditor is mandatory for companies exceeding certain financial thresholds, as defined by law. This mission ensures the transparency and compliance of the merger operation and guarantees the integrity of the financial information communicated to the company’s stakeholders.
Statutory Auditor for demergers
The Statutory Auditor for demergers is a mission which consists in verifying the regularity and the sincerity of a demerger operation of a company into several distinct entities.
A demerger is an operation which consists in dividing a company into several distinct entities, each having its own legal personality. This operation may be motivated by various factors such as the need to better focus activities, to achieve economies of scale or to increase the value of certain assets.
In the event of a demerger, the auditor must ensure that the assets and liabilities are correctly allocated between the different entities created. He must also verify that the value attributed to each entity is fair and reflects the economic reality of the operation.
The statutory auditor must also verify that the demerger complies with the legal and regulatory provisions in force, in particular with respect to tax, social and environmental matters. In France, the mission of the demerger auditor is mandatory for companies exceeding certain financial thresholds, as defined by law. This mission ensures the transparency and compliance of the demerger operation and guarantees the integrity of the financial information communicated to the company’s stakeholders.
Statutory Auditor for transformations
The Statutory Auditor for transformations is an auditing mission that consists in verifying the regularity and the sincerity of the legal transformation of a company.
The transformation is an operation that allows a company to change its legal form, for example by changing from a corporation to a limited liability company, or by transforming a sole proprietorship into a company. This operation may be motivated by various factors such as simplification of the legal structure, protection of the personal assets of the managers or the search for new partners.
The statutory auditor must ensure that the transformation is carried out in compliance with the legal and regulatory provisions in force, in particular with respect to tax, social and environmental matters. He must verify that the terms of the transformation comply with the legal provisions, such as the rules relating to the composition of the share capital and the transfer of assets and liabilities.
The auditor must also verify that the assets and liabilities of the company have been correctly valued and that the distribution of equity between the different entities created is fair. He must ensure that the information communicated to the company’s stakeholders is complete, transparent and fair.
In France, the mission of the transformation auditor is mandatory for certain forms of transformation, such as the transformation of a sole proprietorship into a company, or the transformation of a limited liability company into a corporation. This mission ensures the transparency and compliance of the transformation operation and guarantees the integrity of the financial information communicated to the company’s stakeholders.
Statuary Auditor for special benefits
The Statuary Auditor for special benefits is an audit assignment entrusted to a statutory auditor. It consists of verifying that the special benefits (or benefits in kind) granted to the managers and employees of a company are justified and comply with the regulations in force.
Special benefits can take different forms: company car, company housing, loans at preferential rates, benefits in kind, etc. These benefits may be granted on an individual or collective basis.
The purpose of the audit of special benefits is to ensure that the benefits are justified and comply with the regulations in force, in particular tax and social security regulations. The auditor also verifies that the benefits are consistent with market practices and company policies.
In France, the audit of special benefits is mandatory for companies that exceed certain financial thresholds, as defined by law. This mission is therefore a transparency measure aimed at guaranteeing the fairness and compliance of the benefits granted to a company’s managers and employees.
Auditing of ad hoc accounts in the context of fund raising
Ad hoc auditing can also be carried out in the context of fundraising, particularly for companies wishing to raise funds from private or institutional investors.
In this context, the mission of ad hoc auditing consists in verifying the regularity and the sincerity of the financial and accounting information communicated to potential investors. The statutory auditor must notably ensure that the company’s accounts have been drawn up in accordance with the accounting standards in force and that they accurately reflect the company’s financial situation.
The auditor must also verify that the information presented in the context of the fundraising is complete, transparent and sincere, and that it does not contain erroneous or misleading information.
Ad hoc auditing in the context of fundraising is often required by potential investors to ensure that the information presented by the company is reliable and that the risks associated with the investment have been correctly identified and assessed.
In summary, the ad hoc audit can also be carried out in the context of fundraising, to verify the regularity and sincerity of the financial and accounting information communicated to potential investors. This mission ensures the transparency and reliability of the information presented in the context of the fund raising.