In 2019, France had 720 biotech companies, ranking it 3rd in Europe after Germany and the United Kingdom. The sector is particularly dynamic, with 60 new biotech companies each year. They benefit from a favorable ecosystem since France has 7 competitiveness poles dedicated to the Pharma/Biotech sector: Lyon Biopôle, Medicen, Alsace Biovalley, Atlantic Biotherapies, Cancer Bio Santé, Eurobiomed and Nutrition Santé Longevity.
Biotech is closely linked to the world of academic research. More than 50% of French biotech companies were born as a result of academic research. Partnerships with the research community continue after the start-up of the companies, which fosters innovation. According to the EY Barometer of the Attractiveness of France (2019), investors see biotechnology as one of the sectors that will drive French growth tomorrow.
At Aurys, we recognize the critical importance of the biotechnology subsector and are proud to offer a diverse range of services to support prosperity and innovation in this area.